Carpets provide warmth and comfort, but they can also harbour allergens that contribute to worsening allergy symptoms. Dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and even mould can accumulate in carpet fibres over time, leading to sneezing, itchy eyes, and respiratory problems for sensitive individuals. As allergy seasons fluctuate throughout the year, particularly in areas with high pollen counts, it’s essential to understand how your carpets may be affecting your health.

Mauritz Vermeulen, founder of M&R Carpet Services in Pretoria, explains how professional carpet cleaning can help mitigate these problems and improve indoor air quality.

How Carpets Trap Allergens

Carpets act like giant filters, trapping airborne particles such as dust, pollen, and pet hair. While this might initially seem like a good thing, over time, the build-up of these particles can turn your carpet into a source of allergens. Every time you walk on the carpet, these particles can get stirred back into the air, leading to allergy flare-ups.

According to Vermeulen, carpets in high-traffic areas or homes with pets are particularly prone to trapping allergens. “People often don’t realise that their carpets are holding on to so many particles that could be triggering allergic reactions,” he says.

While regular vacuuming can help reduce surface-level dust and dirt, it doesn’t completely remove all allergens trapped deep within the carpet fibres. Standard vacuums often lack the power to extract embedded particles, and in some cases, they may even spread allergens into the air if the vacuum isn’t equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter.

Vermeulen recommends using a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap smaller particles and reduce the amount of allergens in the home. However, he also stresses that vacuuming alone is not enough for deep cleaning.

To significantly reduce allergens in your carpets, it’s essential to invest in professional cleaning services. M&R Carpet Services uses specialised equipment that can reach deep into the carpet fibres, removing not only surface dust but also hidden allergens that regular vacuums miss. This is particularly important for households with allergy sufferers, as deep cleaning can help alleviate symptoms by removing dust mites, pet dander, and pollen from the carpets.

“Professional carpet cleaning not only improves the appearance of your carpet but also enhances the quality of air in your home,”

says Vermeulen.

How Often Should You Clean Carpets to Reduce Allergens?

Carpet allergies occur when allergens such as dust, pet hair, pollen, mould spores, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from new carpets or cleaning materials accumulate in carpet fibres. These particles are released into the air when carpets are walked on, causing respiratory symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and asthma, as well as skin irritation and headaches. High-traffic areas and long-fibre carpets are particularly prone to gathering these contaminants. To reduce the risk of allergies, regular vacuuming, deep cleaning, using eco-friendly cleaning products, and keeping shoes and pet hair off the carpet are essential steps.

Vermeulen advises having carpets professionally cleaned at least once or twice a year, especially if you have pets or live in an area with high pollen counts. Regular cleaning ensures that allergens don’t build up to the point where they start to impact your indoor air quality.

In addition to professional cleaning, maintaining good home ventilation and regularly washing other fabric surfaces like curtains and upholstery can further reduce allergens.

In areas with high humidity, carpets can also become breeding grounds for mould and mildew, which can trigger or worsen respiratory issues. Mould spores trapped in carpets can be particularly problematic for people with asthma or severe allergies. To prevent mould growth, it’s essential to control humidity levels in your home, especially in carpeted areas.

Can carpets really cause allergy symptoms?

Yes, carpets can contribute to allergy symptoms by trapping allergens like dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and even mould. When these particles accumulate in the carpet fibres, they can become airborne whenever the carpet is walked on, causing sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and even respiratory issues.

How do carpets trap allergens?

Carpets act like filters, catching airborne particles such as dust, pollen, and pet hair. While this can initially reduce the number of allergens circulating in the air, over time these particles accumulate in the fibres and can be released back into the air when the carpet is disturbed, potentially worsening allergy symptoms.

Can vacuuming remove allergens from carpets?

Regular vacuuming can help reduce the number of allergens on the surface of your carpets, but it doesn’t always reach deep into the fibres where allergens often reside. A vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter can help trap smaller particles and prevent them from being redistributed into the air, but for deep cleaning, professional services are recommended.

How often should I vacuum to reduce allergens in my carpets?

For households with allergy sufferers or pets, it’s a good idea to vacuum at least twice a week. Make sure to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to capture small particles more effectively. However, vacuuming alone isn’t enough for deep-seated allergens, so it’s important to also schedule regular professional cleanings.

How does professional carpet cleaning reduce allergens?

Professional carpet cleaning uses specialised equipment that penetrates deep into the carpet fibres, extracting allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander that regular vacuuming can’t reach. This deep cleaning not only improves air quality but also helps prevent allergens from accumulating over time.

How often should carpets be professionally cleaned to control allergens?

It’s recommended to have your carpets professionally cleaned at least once or twice a year, depending on your household. If you have pets or live in an area with high pollen counts, more frequent cleaning may be necessary to keep allergens under control.

Can carpets worsen respiratory issues like asthma?

Yes, carpets that aren’t cleaned regularly can harbour dust mites, mould spores, and other allergens that can worsen respiratory conditions like asthma. Keeping carpets clean, well-ventilated, and free of moisture can help reduce the risk of triggering asthma symptoms.

What’s the best type of carpet for allergy sufferers?

Low-pile carpets are generally better for allergy sufferers because they don’t trap as many allergens as thicker, high-pile carpets. Carpets made from synthetic materials like nylon can also be less likely to harbour allergens compared to natural fibres.

Can carpets grow mould, and how does that affect allergies?

Yes, carpets can develop mould, especially in humid areas or if they’ve been exposed to moisture. Mould spores can aggravate allergies and asthma, leading to symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Controlling humidity levels and ensuring carpets are dried properly after cleaning can help prevent mould growth.

How can I prevent my carpets from accumulating allergens?

Regular vacuuming, professional cleaning, and taking measures like removing shoes indoors and brushing pets outside can help reduce the number of allergens that settle in your carpets. Using eco-friendly cleaning products and keeping your home well-ventilated can also help keep allergens at bay.

What should I do if my carpet gets wet?

If your carpet has been exposed to excess moisture, it’s important to dry it quickly to prevent mould growth. Open windows, use fans, or a dehumidifier to help speed up drying. If the carpet remains damp for too long, consider calling a professional cleaner to treat it and prevent mould from forming.

How can I tell if my carpets are causing my allergies?

If you notice your allergy symptoms worsen at home—such as sneezing, itchy eyes, or skin irritation—it could be a sign that your carpet is harbouring allergens. Another clue is if you experience out-of-season allergy symptoms, like hay fever, despite not being exposed to outdoor triggers.

Is it better to remove carpets entirely if I have allergies?

For severe allergy sufferers, removing carpets and opting for hard flooring can be beneficial, as carpets tend to trap more allergens than other types of flooring. However, if you prefer to keep carpets, regular professional cleaning and using a HEPA vacuum can help manage allergen build-up.

How can I maintain cleaner air quality with carpets in my home?

To maintain cleaner air, vacuum regularly with a HEPA filter, deep clean carpets annually, and use eco-friendly cleaning products. Removing shoes before walking on carpets and brushing pets outdoors can also help reduce the number of allergens brought into your home.

Do pets increase the amount of allergens in carpets?

Yes, pets shed hair and skin (dander), which can accumulate in carpet fibres and contribute to allergens. Pet dander is one of the most common allergens found in carpets, so regular cleaning and grooming your pets outdoors can help reduce the amount of dander in your home.

What’s the difference between DIY carpet cleaning and professional cleaning for allergy control?

While DIY cleaning can help maintain surface cleanliness, it often doesn’t reach deep enough into the fibres to remove all allergens. Professional cleaning services use specialised equipment that extracts allergens from the base of the carpet, offering a more thorough clean that improves indoor air quality and reduces allergens.

Are there any eco-friendly carpet cleaning options for allergy sufferers?

Yes, many professional cleaning services offer eco-friendly carpet cleaning options that use non-toxic, hypoallergenic products. These are ideal for households with allergy sufferers, as they avoid harsh chemicals that could potentially trigger additional allergic reactions.

Can humid climates make carpet allergies worse?

Yes, high humidity can encourage mould growth in carpets, which can worsen allergy symptoms. Keeping your home’s humidity levels in check and ensuring proper airflow can help reduce the risk of mould forming in your carpets.

What are the signs that I need a professional carpet cleaning?

If you notice an increase in allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, or itchy eyes, while at home, or if your carpet looks dull and feels grimy, it’s time for a professional cleaning. Additionally, if you can see visible stains or detect any musty odours, these are clear signs that your carpet needs professional attention.

Can carpet protectors or treatments help with allergens?

Some carpet protectors can help by preventing dirt and allergens from sinking deep into the fibres, making them easier to clean. Ask your professional cleaner if they offer anti-allergen treatments or protective coatings that can help reduce allergen build-up.

M&R Carpet Services, founded in 1979 by Mauritz Vermeulen, has built a reputation over 45 years for providing expert carpet cleaning and installation services. Specialising in allergy-friendly solutions, the company understands how carpets can trap allergens like dust, pollen, and pet dander, which can exacerbate respiratory issues. Using advanced cleaning techniques and eco-friendly products, M&R Carpet Services ensures that homes are not only visually clean but also healthier for allergy sufferers, offering deep cleaning that removes hidden contaminants from carpet fibres.